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Category Archives: Picture

Alright people, listen up, I’ve been around on the internet since I was 5 years old, and I’ve seen a ton of things, probably more than what you will ever see in your entire life. So I have decided to share a small portion of my bookmarks to entertain you. Allow this to a disclaimer- you will spend a lot of time going through it- so you better have either- A- Nothing better to do or B- Bored. They are both the same thing pretty much- but whatever. All the links I’m giving you are pre-approved by me as cool and worthy of linkage. So watch the time. God help you.

Also I highly recommend you read my other posts about My Shower.

Thank me later,

p.s- If the tag cloud looks like were link farming- were totally not- every tag is relevant to the article XD

North Korea- Photos from the inside
This russian guy got a visa to go into North Korea. He took alot of pictures that he was not supposed to. Heres his original site thats in Russian. Its got more pictures, but you cant read the descriptions.

Why the future is in South Korea
Just an interesting read on why Korea is on the bleeding edge of internet development etc..

Gravity Wave- Weather
I have no idea what a Gravity Wave is, but apparently they are very rare. The pictures are really cool!

Koreas Super-Gaming-Oriented Culture
I don’t know why I have so many Korea articles, but this is a pretty interesting article on Korea’s geek culture. (the top starcraft players in Korea are equivelent to our movie stars)

A very cool college prank
A guy left his dorm room for 1 week, and while he was away, they took all of this stuff and screwed it to the ceiling. It gets pretty disorienting. Video included.

The most detailed digital painting ever
Quote, “It took eleven months (close to 2,000 hours) to create.” Its pretty incredible.

The Broken Laptop I sold on Ebay
The story starts when a guy sold his laptop on ebay. The guy who bought it- claimed it was broken when he recieved it, so to get his revenge, he used photos and information he found on the hard drive to shame him to death.

720 MegaPixel Photo
Super detailed photo of Sydney. You can see peoples hotel rooms! Ridiculous!

Sony’s Blu-Ray party screw up
Quote, ” Apparently even Sony can’t get its hands on Blu-ray content!”

Street Installations
A guy creates dummies that are put in unusual positions.

Windows Vista- Deletion
The picture shows that it takes 7 steps to delete a single shortcut off your desktop in Vista.

Quick Change Artists
I’m pretty sure you guys have seen them before. But its still incredible to watch.

24- Monitor Setup
24 monitors all hooked together. Playing Quake 3. Video included. He also did 50 monitors.

Awesome Rainbow Photos!
Some of the most incredible photos taken of a rainbow!

Aerial Pictures of Mexico City
There are some cool houses in Mexico.

Highest Resolution Picture of our sun
Its very hot.

Google’s April Fools
Quote, “Just found an April Fools joke on Google Earth. Area 51 has some visitors.”

Vietnamese man, goes 33 years without sleep
Self explanitory

What language do deaf people think in?
Good question.

Writing in water with waves
“The device consists of 50 water wave generators encircling a cylindrical tank 1.6 meters in diameter and 30 cm deep (about the size of a backyard kiddie pool). The wave generators move up and down in controlled motions to simultaneously produce a number of cylindrical waves that act as pixels.”

Pointer Kites
Become the geek of the beach.

Worst Laser Etching
Not to mention- If you look closely- they spelled some words wrong on it too
they ruined it.

Cool photographs of China
Reminds me of Myst.

Amazing Hole in One!
Yeah that seems impossible.

Google’s snack room
A heaven for late night gaming.

Things that you don’t want Google to find

What scientologists believe
even read wikipedia

Stick Figures on Crack 3
Its a really crazy series that is somehow entertaining. Out of 3- this is my favorite.

Ever wonder about the mysteries of Quantum Physics?
Well here is a video that is easy to follow and understand

Rare Cloud Formations
Yeah, its still cool

Crazy Ferrofluid
Fluid that reacts with magnetic fields- it looks unreal

Japanese Food Fight
But its all cool and slow-motion like-creative and weird- like most Japanese people

Weird Vista easter egg
There is a picture of 3 guys in the hologram….how did they pull that off?

Whale Penis
Yeah, well if you ever wanted to know what it looked like- then here it is.

A really good idea for a clock
I want this on my site.

Nice Mac Rig
Really nice.

MIT Sketching
Guy at MIT creates a program you can use thats like….a dynamic cad program….that how I would describe it

One of the best unicyclists in the world. I would know- I am one!

This guy is nuts.

Aqua Teen
This is the best episode I have ever seen of this show- and this is the ONLY one I’ve seen- its totally weird

Frozen Tidal Wave
How did this happen?

Learn Awesome Magic Tricks
They are actually possible! Video!

Hardest Video Game Ever.
You would have to be a masochist to play this game and have fun.

One of the funniest videos I have ever seen.

Stupid Wheel Of Fortune
Stupidest contestant ever.

Yo Yo Master
He is asian.

Great Stop Motion!
Awesome to watch!

Rubix Cube Fastness

Huge Wave

ZOMG I am SO TIRED of typing! Ok so if you brain hasn’t completely imploded from all of the link-age- you can spend more time looking at– That place has some of the best stuff. Seriously.
Well I hope you enjoyed it!
Kudos anyone?

So I’m sitting here in my chair with a portable house phone by my side. Okay, normal situation — but at very odd intervals, this phone is beeping several times because it is being paged. And this is no soft sound — it BEEPS, and LOUDLY. Understandably, because the page function is meant to assist location of the phone, but still — this is LOUD.

The even stranger part is that I’m the only person home. Nobody’s trying to locate this phone. Now, I’ve got four cats, so I assume one of them is laying down on, playing with, or knocking over the station, but I can’t do a thing about it. You know why? I have no idea where the hell it even is. I don’t have a big house — it’s not terribly small, but I don’t live in a mansion or anything — but I can’t seem to locate this stupid station. Before you think I’m weird for not knowing where my home phone’s charger is, know that it’s probably been moved in the last week or so because of our attempts at cleaning up the house for selling.

In fact, I think it’s an open house today once our realtor gets here, so she’s going to be just showing people around while I’m sitting here trying to do whatever. People are going to be walking into my room and assessing it while I’m just gaming or something. Weird.

Anyways, back to the subject at hand. I’ve given up looking for this mysteriously-located phone station, because the more I do the more my feet get wet from our carpet, which was shampooed yesterday for the same reason mentioned above. So I’ve confined myself to just sitting in my chair with my legs pulled up; my own little island in the sea of wet carpet that is my house.

I’ll finish off this entry with a thoughtful comic I worked on for like five minutes a number of months ago, and just today decided to finish off. I know the trophy sucks, I know the white background looks horrible on this page, and I know it’s not funny (it’s not supposed to be). I just needed to finish this and get some feel of completion for myself.


    So the story begins when I added my good friend, and went to her profile (on myspace of course). On her page was one of those “interactive refrigerator magnet boards” that one can drag letters to form messages to “get your friends excited about absolutely nothing”. So I put up a geeky reference and just saved it. Then like 5 minutes later, she posts a bulletin……..(The names and pictures have been blurred/sloppily “liquefied” for security reasons, and the rest is pretty self explanatory XD)

Yeah, I guess I am a really dorky guy.


Does anyone else think this is funny besides me?

Well, I would have to state at this point that I am very shocked of the turnout of this blog so far. Me and Skoh-Fley (the other writer on this blog, who is also a good friend of mine, who is probably busy playing Zelda:PH), started this blog about 3 days ago, and so far we are actually surprised that we are being read! 30+ views as of 3:49pm PST! If you are a reader, reading this (as readers do) please leave a comment! I really appreciate the views we get and I would like to pass that appreciation down onto the readers themselves. [Appreciation Skill +1]

Thank you my dear readers, I will be sure to post more ridiculous stories!

Now I will close with a picture to represent my happiness!



So after dinner today, I was about to stumble upstairs to go play more video games (and I say that because its the truth), when my Mom suddenly burst out a huge long sentence about animals and backyard things. Recovering from the initial shock of her huge run-on sentence, I asked her what she was talking about. She said that today, while she was working in the backyard, had moved some bags of soil that had been sitting around for awhile. But when she moved them- she noticed that there was a toad/frog chilling out under it! Apparently this was the huge highlight of her day or something, because she was super excited to tell me all about it.

So after her little story, I decided to go out and seek the frog/toad living in our backyard. My Mom guided me to where she found it- and pulled up the bag of soil- and under it we found this:

Frog Suprise!

Can you see it? It has pretty good camouflage. I was actually kind of excited about my new backyard friend! How many people do you know that have frog/toad’s hanging out in their backyards? Chances are, not very many.I took more pictures with my awful camera phone.

Close UpClose up.

Closer UpCloser up.

I like how the frog was giving me a mortified look (kinda like ZOMG). It made the whole thing kinda comical.Better contrast.

Frog Lookin' Good!

Ever so proud of my new friend, my Mom and I created a makeshift pond for him/her and soaked down the soil around the area. I would have to say that this frog/toad is truly an awesome addition to my backyard, I’m actually looking forward to tomorrow to see if he’s still there. Any ideas what we should name him? Comments please XD-Neverhitboxes

Enough said…….seriously, wtf is up with the fishing thing?

Do Not Toilet Sign


Ok, so as you might or might not know, I work as a “Media Center” manager at my church. Ever since I started doing that job, which was like 4 years ago- we have had this CD replicator tower- we use it to duplicate audio CD’s that we then sell to the public. So it worked well for awhile, but after about a year of use, the thing just wasn’t reliable… all. It would constantly ruin CD’s, so when we put in 8 CD’s- only like 2 would actually come out ok. This drove me crazy! Because I had to put up with its shenanigans for like 3 freakin’ years! And today, it finally all changed. Our order for a new CD replicator came today! OMG! Its awesome! It can do everything! And not only that- it does it fast and efficiently!

Jesus really does save!

See that? Its waiting for its master- which is me!

New Hotness!

This is the old one. God, I hate it so.
Old and Busted.Thats right….FUCK YOU DSR!!!! I’ve had enough of your infernal machine!Ok I’m done. Just thought I would keep you posted on my life.-Neverhitboxes

Not to say that I endorse war, or believe it to be fun. But I’ve been playing Battlefield 2142 lately and it’s pretty freaking sweet. I don’t care what the ratings said when it came out; I have lots of fun playing it, just like I did with BF1942 and 2.

I think the thing that’s so hooking (I say hooking and not addicting because whenever a game is “addicting”, people freak out and send you to rehabilitation) about games like 2142 is the ranking system. Needn’t I say, it’s the same deal with MMORPG’s — it’s the feel of being rewarded. It’s what helps you get through the not-so-fun but still not-so-horrible parts of the game like grinding — the thought that it’s all worth it because next level you get so-and-so new spell, or next promotion you get to choose a new weapon.

I admit that it’s a shortcut to hooking people in (a game that’s good at heart should be fun all the time no matter what), but I don’t disrespect any companies for taking it, because hey — it’s a tough crowd, and if you can make a game that people will play, that’s what you do. Plus, it’s not so different than real life — work hard and you will be rewarded. Not that I’m saying games should be like life, because that’s the opposite of why we play them — but it’s just not as crazy a concept as we might think.

Speaking of, to reward you for reading this far into the post (or maybe for just scrolling past this cah-RAHZY blob of text you saw), here’s an xkcd comic. I love these comics’ relations to math and intellect without losing ties to pure humor (assuming you can get the comic).

I have idea where this screen shot is from, or even if its real. But one things for sure, it’s damn funny.

So while I was “surfing” the internet (as you cool computer inept adults might say), I came across this awesome picture.

Amazon....wtfApparently it was some book recommendation or something.
